Picaria is a game for two players. Each player needs three tiles of a color that contrasts with the other player’s tiles. Use pennies and dimes, two types of cereal, or pieces from another game. The aim of the game is to be the first player to get 3 in a row. Below you will get Free Picaria Game Printable pdf you can Download. Have A fun time it’s totally free.

Free Picaria Game Printable | Paper Game

You can find numerous examples of traditional match 3 games in different cultures around the world. Modern western kids will be more familiar with TicTactoe, but PICARIA is fun that has its origins in the indigenous communities that lived in the geographic area known as the American Southwest.

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picario game - Picaria Game Printable

How to play picaria

Let’s play Picaria. Below you can find the file Download free game paper.

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  1. Objective: get 3-in-a-row ( any direction )
  2. You need: 2 players, a game board 3 tokens per player.
  3. Begin drop Phase! players take turns placing tokens on the game board.
  4. During the drop phase, players may not use center point.
  5. Drop phase ends when all tokens have been placed.
  6. players take turns moving one token to an adjacent point.
  7. The first player to move their tokens into 3-in-a -row wins.
  8. A row can be diagonal, horizontal, or vertical.
  9. You can use printable orang and blue coins, beans, or buttons as tokens.

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Below Get free two Picaria Game Board Patterns PDf to print out.

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