Stump your kids with these 15 fun and challenging riddles about trees with answers! Test their nature knowledge and get the whole family thinking.
Riddles About Trees With Answers For Kids And Adults
1. I’m green and brown, my branches reach down, animals climb me and eat what I wear, birds love to nest in my hair. What am I?

Easy Riddles about trees with answers
Ans: A tree.
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3. I’m tall and made of wood, my leaves provide you food. What am I?
Walnut tree
4. My leaves turn red and gold, my nuts both young and old. What autumn tree am I?
Ans: Oak tree
5. Green needles on me do grow, cones among them as you know. In the forest I stand so high, protect me now or I may die.
Ans: Pine tree
6. My bark is grey, my leaves bright green, the biggest in the forest I’ve seen. Monkeys swing from limb to limb, upon this tree that reaches to the sky.
Ans: Banyan tree
7. When spring brings showers, I grow sweet flowers. Birds make nests amongst my boughs. Pollen covers children’s noses, who gave this tree its name?
Ans: Ash tree
8. Tall or short or round I be, name me now and you will see. Apples, cherries, pears, or figs, hang so sweetly from my twigs.
Ans: Fruit tree
See: Riddles for high school students
9. Once a pirate’s dying wish, dig beneath where time turns still. What grows on top will lead the way, to his fortune promised that day.
Ans: Palm tree
Easy Riddles About Trees And Forests
10. Lining streets both far and wide, my falling petals form a tide. My vibrant flower a city’s pride, I represent the spring with great stride.
Ans: Cherry blossom tree
11. Five leaves make up each of my points, sweet sap within that everyone anoints.
Ans: Maple tree
12. What can you climb up, swing around, and hang on?
Ans: A tree branch.
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13. My bark’s as white as snow, and everywhere I go, animals will rub my trunk, for itchy noses I have the perfect touch!
Ans: Birch tree
14. I am home to a temple so grand, monks come to visit from many lands. Heart-shaped leaves tremble overhead, as prayers are said beneath this tree of red.
Ans: Bodhi tree
15. Druids dance beneath the full white moon, around my trunk a joyful tune. Magic happens throughout the night, neath branches crowned in flowers white.
Ans: Hawthorn tree
16. Lions lounge in my shade on the hot and dusty African plains. My thorny branches keep predators away, a sheltering tree both night and day.
Ans: Acacia tree
17. My name sounds just like “rebirth”, cut me down and my stump gives birth! Tiny towers will from me grow anew, thus continues the eternal cycle all forests go through.
Ans: Redwood tree
18. I come in all shapes and sizes, some of us bear sweet surprises. Tall or wide or even fake, what are we for goodness sake?
Ans: Trees
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How did the kids do with the riddles? Let me know in the comments!
Encourage your toddlers with Riddles about trees with answers to observe trees around them and appreciate the vital role they play in our environment. Happy tree-riddling!
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